WhatsApp users beware of verification scam

These hackers can use your personal information for their profits, They can even blackmail you and ask for money or other benefits on basis of your sensitive personal information. If you don’t know about this new verification code scam or you don’t take safety measures. You may become the next prey to these hackers. So you should beware of this new verification code scam.

WhatsApp verification code scam
WhatsApp verification code scam

WhatsApp is now the extremely widespread messaging/calling app, with around 2 billion users has become the target of hackers and drudges. They can have access to your personal chats, videos, and contacts and all other sensitive information. These hackers can use your personal information for their profits, They can even blackmail you and ask for money or other benefits on basis of your sensitive personal information. If you don’t know about this new verification code scam or you don’t take safety measures. You may become the next prey to these hackers. So you should beware of this new verification code fraud.

It is a matter of securing 👨‍✈️ our devices from scams and hackers

Whether or not Jeff Bezos was hacked over WhatsApp, and whether or not any other famous personality got hacked, the Facebook-owned worldwide used messaging/calling app has been compromised by security issues once again. And now there is another WhatsApp swindle attack through verification code that you should beware of. But this one has nothing to do with nation state cyberattacks or the platform’s veracity, and everything to do with our exposure to social engineering and our satisfaction when it comes to securing our devices from this type of scams.

WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted, but it is now owned and maintained by Facebook, which is integrating Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp at the back end. In order to make a single roof services for its users.

Individuals use WhatsApp for conversation with their friends and family because it is easy to use and private. But the end-to-end encrypted app might not be as private as you think.

How does WhatsApp work 🧑‍🔧 ?

WhatsApp and other apps advertise themselves to prospective customers as “helping them determine when other individuals are sleeping, when they’re using WhatsApp, and even who they’re conversing to on the app.” Corresponding to the report, they track who is talking to whom by just evaluating multiple people’s interest logs and see which ones match up. The user of a tracking app enters the phone number of the person they want to track, and the app then continuously checks to see if the other person is “online” or when was last active, forming a record of their activity. This data can then be presented visually, letting the user to observe their target’s online preferences, plus the times they use the app frequently, and when they’re inactive, over a cycle of days and weeks.

Here is what’s happen with verification SMS fraud

Someone got a message apparently from WhatsApp authorities, professing to be WhatsApp’s Technical Team. In the message, the hacker asked him to authenticate his identity by providing the six-digit verification/authentication code that is sent to a user via an SMS when they register their WhatsApp accounts.

The twist is that the hacker used WhatsApp’s official logo as the account’s profile picture, which may lead a layman or non-technical user to suppose that the message is truly coming from WhatsApp. And in result became prey to the hacker and lost all his personal information and data. (⌣́_⌣̀)  😞 😔 😟

But, that wasn’t the case. WhatsApp does not message you like that. 

As directed out by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp does not deliver personal messages to its users to make any pronouncement and absolutely not ask them to verify their accounts or identity. The corporation uses its blog and its official social media platforms to convey messages as required. 

In a few situations, if the company does choose to send messages to its users, it would arrive from an official account with a green tick on it. This would show that it’s a verified official WhatsApp’s account. Moreover, the company never asks users for their verification codes via messages.

This is #FAKE. WhatsApp doesn’t message you on WhatsApp, and if they do (for global announcements, but it’s soooo rare), a green verified indicator is visible.
WhatsApp never asks your data or verification codes.@WhatsApp should ban this account. 😅 https://t.co/nnOehPL8Ca

— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) May 27, 2020

Another newly emerged verification scam

Recently, Jibran Nasir a public figure (Activist & Lawyer) became the victim of this WhatsApp verification code scam. When he received a message of his relative’s account and obviously his phone number was already in his directory. He got a message to send a code which he mistakenly sent it to him (Jibran Nasir) via SMS. He then checked the chat history to see if it is really his relative. However, Jibran convinced after checking that it is really his relative. He sent the verification code text to the relative on his request. After some time, his WhatsApp account got hacked through this authentication code fraud.

The twist in the story is, his cousin’s/relative’s WhatsApp account was already hacked. And hacker used his identity to request the verification code on trust basis.

Conferring to the Statement of Jibran Nasir about WhatsApp verification Scam

How to stay safe and secure from verification code fraud?

First, you make sure, that you should never share (either it is from any platform or individual) any verification code to any one even if the requesting person is in your contacts list. If it is necessary. You should call them directly and ask about the verification code matter and all details. That, has they really requested you to share? And what is the purpose. The best practice is still it. Never share any verification code. It may be a fraud and requesting person may be a fraudster. Otherwise you may end up loosing all your sensitive data to a hacker or a drudge. Which he can use to blackmail you or get benefits from you.

Keeping yourself Secure from these scams 😊 🙂

What can you do to avoid these types of frauds from happening and keeping your account Secure? Apart from being concerned and not disclosing an OTP code, you can also enable two-factor authentication on your WhatsApp Account

Enabling two-factor authentication on your WhatsApp Account 🔑 

Here’s how you can set two-factor authentication on your WhatsApp account:  🔒

1. Open WhatsApp on your smart phone, tab, or the device you are using. Tap on the three dots Present on top-right corner.  

2. Tap on ‘Settings’ from the dropdown menu and proceed to ‘Account’.

3. Now, tap on enable two-factor authentication from the menu. Follow steps and Enter the six digits PIN.

4. When investigated, enter your email address. Don’t Worry you have the choice to leave out the field empty and skip this step.

5. Click on ‘Done’ or ‘OK’. Now, two-factor authentication has been enabled on your account.

You can stay safe from most of the frauds and scams by enabling two factor authentication on WhatsApp.🔒😀🔒

Users concerned 🧐 about the swindles ought to keep in mind:

  • Most companies like WhatsApp, Viber and other social apps, will inform their users of significant changes to their terms of use. Best practice is to Read the WhatsApp blog posts if you doubt, whether something is real or not.
  • Never open links or messages from people you don’t know or are not in your contacts list even if you recognize the display picture.
  • Block the sender immediately so they can no longer message or call you through WhatsApp. You can also report the user as spam.

This isn’t the first time the WhatsApp has been affected by fraudsters. Years ago, many users falsely downloaded a misleading version of WhatsApp Entitled as WhatsApp Gold or Kind of WhatsApp Plus, which afflicted their phones with malware. The scam app was advertised as  special version of the WhatsApp, with exciting characteristics like sending pictures more than the original limit at once, fresh emoji’s, video calling and improved security features.

People often Receive Fraud messages

You may have received spam message from an unapproved third party, not WhatsApp.

WhatsApp work meticulously to diminish any junk messages that come through their system. Establishing a secure and reliable space for its users to communicate. Though, just like normal SMS or phone calls. Because it is possible for other WhatsApp users who have your phone number to contact you.

You may be the victim of a fraudulent plot if any of the following portrays a message you receive, via WhatsApp or email:

  • The sender claims to be affiliated with an official group or firm like WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Gmail etc.
  • The message subject includes directives to forward the message to other users.
  • The message says that you can avert punishment, like account suspension or pause, if you forward the message. And vice a versa if you don’t.
  • The message content involves a reward or gift from WhatsApp or any other person or third-party or firm.

Unnecessary messages from illicit third-party users come in many forms, such as hoax or phishing messages. All these sorts of messages are generally classified as unsolicited messages from illegal third parties that try to cheat you and induce you to do something in a certain way.

What to do 🤷 if I receive scam messages on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp always 🙅‍♂️ advise it’s users to 🚧 block the sender, ignore the message and delete it immediately. If you have any questions about blocking someone, read this blog on WhatsApp’s official platform. To avoid revealing your contacts to possible damage, please never ever forward this type of messages to them.

For more information about spam, hoax or fraudster messages in general, please read this blog on WhatsApp’s official platform.

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