Why PDM was launched and what are its objectives?

For the past 35 years, the two political parties that have dominated the country's politics and its resources have become so deep and strong in the dimensions and system of the state that they did not even think that it was promoting black and white and hereditary politics. Those who consider power their right will suddenly fall to the ground like a mountain of sand and will be punished.

Why PDM was launched and what are its objectives?
Why PDM was launched and what are its objectives?

Last year a name got popularity in the political scenario of Pakistan with a new identity but old faces ‘Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)’. Why PDM was launched and what are its objectives? In today’s talk we will try to tell you in detail about its basis and its purpose.

For the past 35 years, the two political parties that have dominated the country’s politics and its resources have become so deep and strong in the dimensions and system of the state that they did not even think that it was promoting black and white and hereditary politics. Those who consider power their right will suddenly fall to the ground like a mountain of sand and will be punished.

They will also be held accountable for plundering the country’s resources and destroying institutions. Especially Nawaz Sharif, the PML-N chief who grew up in a military nursery, whose folly is second to none. Apart from the Chief Minister of Punjab, he has been the ‘three times’ powerful Prime Minister of the country.

NRO and Charter of Democracy

Nawaz Sharif was ousted by General Musharraf from power and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was exiled for 10 years after agreeing. The PPP and Nawaz League formed an alliance in exile and signed the Charter of Democracy, according to which the Prime Minister will have all the powers by suspending the 18th Amendment to maintain the continuity of democracy and prevent military intervention. Unfortunately, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto got General Musharraf’s NRO and under its cover Nawaz Sharif also returned home.

After the martyrdom of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the PPP came to power and Zardari, popularly known as Mr. 10 Percent, was elected President of Pakistan. He handed over the executive powers of dissolving the Assembly from the President of Pakistan to the Prime Minister. From here, the foundation was laid for further hollowing out the country’s roots. Now it was made very difficult to eliminate any corrupt and incompetent government.

And power came in the swing of PML-N

PPP enjoyed 5 years of power and also returned to the country and then elections were held and power came in the swing of PML-N. This time the Nawaz League’s body language against Pakistan were completely different and dangerous than before. Because whenever Nawaz Sharif came to power, he messed with every commander and considered himself a dictator.

Whether it is General Waheed Kakar or General Asif Nawaz Janjua or Jahangir Karamat and then General Pervez Musharraf who was sacked by Nawaz Sharif on his return from Sri Lanka in his absence and his plane was not allowed to land at any airport in Pakistan. Not allowing them to do so, Nawaz compelled the army to react. In this feud and anger, Nawaz Sharif now wanted to teach the army a lesson. People used to call Nawaz Sharif the darling of the army because his heinous act like attacking the Supreme Court was ignored even though Nawaz Sharif had the support of powerful institutions to win the elections against Benazir.

In his four years in power, Nawaz Sharif, more than ever, tried to discredit Pakistan and the army by making wrong and foolish moves according to his nature. Sometimes it is slandering the national security agencies and creating chaos in the country and endangering the national security.

If the people of the earth cannot restrain a tyrant, then the iron claw of the one in heaven will surely grasp the neck of the tyrant

Nawaz Sharif was beginning to consider himself a Mughal emperor. He thought that governing now was only his and his family’s inherited right. He brought his daughter Maryam Safdar to the forefront in politics so that the crown of the kingdom could now be placed on her head. Remember, if the people of the earth cannot control a tyrant, then the iron claw of the one in heaven must grasp the neck of the tyrant.

So the owner of the heavenly nature came into action and Nawaz Sharif encountered by the Panama scandal. And all arrogance was reduced to dust. This was the Pharaoh who tried to insult Imran Khan with his arrogant words in the meetings. “You want me to resign? This is the mouth and lentils. ” Made a lot of noise, why did you kick me out (Mujhay kyun nikala?). It seemed that Nawaz Sharif had lost his senses? And he needs a psychologist or he will lose his life.

Then suddenly a man named Imran Khan came to power

When Nawaz Sharif was caught, all the political robberies of the country started appearing. More than one masked man started unveiling his face and then suddenly the man named Imran Khan came to power who has been robbing him for 22 years. There was a lot of noise about the irregularities and there was no hearing.

He used to say: “O Allah! Give me power, I will make them a sign by taking account of every irregularity. All the thieves will come together to save their wealth and put the security of the country at stake but I will not spare these thieves. I will make them cry”. Now Imran Khan’s competition was not just with a looter but with 11 different political parties, including the Fazlur Rehman group.

All these looters at first tried to save themselves from accountability by reconciling with Imran Khan but they did not succeed. And Imran Khan’s only thing is that I will not make any compromise with the thieves, I will not give any NRO.

A threat to national security by lining up against one Imran in the form of PDM

Therefore, all the political parties of Pakistan have forgotten all their personal differences and have lined up against one Imran in the form of PDM and have become a threat to the security of the country and it is not far off that some of them are under the guise of politics. They are playing into the hands of the enemy. India wants to have facilitators from Pakistan, to work for it. We cannot turn a blind eye to today’s extraordinary circumstances, which include daily attacks on our national security people and tragedies such as the Hazara community.

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